Looking for a 12 week Christmas savings plan? You can have a debt free Christmas with this printable Christmas challenge!
Imagine a Christmas where the bills didn’t follow you into January…February… or March.
I know what usually happens; it used to happen to us, too. You get caught up in the joy and giving that’s synonymous with the Christmas season, and before you know it, you’re in debt up to your eyeballs and your feelings of joy are replaced with feelings of discouragement.
Panic sets in and you realize you spent. too. much. How will you pay for it all?
My friend, there are 12 weeks left before Christmas, and I want to challenge you to have a debt-free Christmas this year, and each year moving forward. You can do this! Saving for Christmas doesn’t need to be stressful.
Research estimates most Americans will spend an average of $781 on Christmas gifts this year, and those figures don’t include other Christmas-related items, like Christmas trees, cards, postage, gift wrap, decor, or traveling to be with family.
*Related: Dave Ramsey Budget Forms That Are A Lifeline When You’re Struggling To Stay Afloat
Since $781 is the estimate, I’ve put together a Christmas savings plan for you to save $800 in the next 12 weeks (October through December). This plan works well for anyone who’s paid weekly OR bi-weekly; if you’re bi-weekly, be sure you plan for the larger sum to be saved on a payday, and the lesser sum on the in-between weeks.
THEN… when this year is over, Christmas is past, and you have NO DEBT… begin saving on January 1st for next year’s Christmas. This is what our family does! We’re huge fans of Dave Ramsey and saving to pay cash for everything. For example, saving $50 out of every bi-weekly paycheck gives you a whopping $1300 for Christmas next year. YOU’VE GOT THIS!
Christmas Savings Plan PDF
Click to download your free >> Christmas Savings Plan PDF <<, and then… be sure to read our story of how we paid off our house.
What other savings plans have you done? What works best for you when it comes to saving for Christmas? Let me know in the comments!
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Tools We Recommend:
Personal Capital: Personal Capital is much more detailed than Mvelopes, and is more centered on helping you with your investing rather than your budgeting. You can track your net worth, cash flow, investments, retirement planning, and more. Personal Capital pretty much picks up where Mvelopes has left off. They even offer a free version of their services. Check them out here.
SoFi Loans: I’ve not personally used them since we’re debt free, but I’ve heard so many good things about them! If getting a loan is unavoidable for you, or you need to refinance student loans, be sure to check them out. You can apply on SoFi’s website (<–this link will also get you $100 cash bonus when your loan is funded) by setting up a simple account and then entering information about your education, employment, and income. Read our SoFi loans review here.
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