Dear parent of a loud, can’t-sit-still, strong willed child,
I applaud you.
I know what it’s like to parent the extremely energetic child who loves to run and jump and push and shout.
I know what it’s like to answer 534,342,879 questions a day from the child whose brain operates lightening fast and as soon as your crickety old brain formulates an answer, the next probing question is already on it’s way.
I know what it’s like to have to hold onto a child to the point where you’re squeezing their hand because you know their attention span is nil… and they’ll wiggle free and wander off… and you’ll lose track of them in a split second.
These amazing kids operate differently than most. They need to move around while they learn. They will find it hard to sit still anywhere. They’re more likely to be offered medication because of their inability to quietly sit in a classroom for seven hours a day. They’re more likely to believe there’s something wrong with them. Maybe they’ve been labeled ADD or ADHD. They’re told, in quiet whispers, they’re not being “good” enough. They’re often getting into trouble. They seemingly never listen.
They’re handed out labels and lies like McDonald’s serves burgers and fries.
How do they grow up with confidence and a vision for who God created them to be?
We need to be sure our kids know this one thing:
God has a purpose for them.
Because if they know — really know — that one thing, there’s hope for them. Everything else you teach them and sow into them will be able to take root in the knowledge that God knows what He’s doing.
They can trust Him.
Strong willed? He has a purpose for that. God can use them to fight for the helpless, to stand firmly on truth, to be passionate about justice and mercy.
Can’t sit still? He has a purpose for that. God can use them to do the work of many, accomplish great things, do many things well, and get things done when others have grown tired and weary.
Moms, protect your kids’ hearts. Cultivate the purpose God may have for their life. Sow good seed into them and give them tools that can help them use their unique giftings for His glory.
Because being a loud, can’t-sit-still, strong willed kid doesn’t mean you’re a bad kid.
Being strong-willed can be a tremendous gift to the world, if he learns to be sensitive to, and led by, the Holy Spirit.
Being hyper and fidgety might mean there’s so much purpose bound up in him that it’s bursting through every pore just waiting to be directed and used by God at the first opportunity for adventure.
Our world needs the loud, can’t-sit-still, strong willed child… as long as he knows God has a special plan to use those qualities in him and through him, and He has a purpose for the struggle.
They’re vibrant. And awesome. And strong. And they keep life… interesting 🙂
God doesn’t make mistakes.
Keep praying for them, keep teaching them, keep bringing them to church, keep equipping them for Kingdom work.
May they make a difference in eternity!
Related scriptures you can use for study -> Deuteronomy 6:6-7, Proverbs 22:6, Colossians 3:20, Proverbs 13:24, Galatians 5:22-23, Ephesians 6:4, 1 Peter 4:8
Reflection -> What positive character traits might God be developing in your strong willed child? How can you encourage those traits?
Go in grace today,
Thank you Jaime! I needed to read that today.
Thank YOU, Marybeth! So glad you’re here!
I have a strong-willed, sensitive to loud noises, loud herself, asks a million questions daughter. She doesn’t mind sitting still, but she has been more difficult than my other children since the day she was born. It’s been a journey, but God has taught me so much in my life because of her. She’s a treasure.
I so enjoyed this article. Such great reminders.
Thanks, Rosanna! God has taught me so much through mine, too!
Yes! This!
I have a fidgety child and one who asks a million questions. I am worn out but can’t wait to see how they are used by God!
Sarah, so you have two of these? Me too! I’m thankful we’re on this journey with Jesus! 🙂
I have a strong-willed child. She is in middle school now. I don’t worry so much about peer pressure with her. She is comfortable being herself and is strong enough to do what she wants, not what everyone else is doing. That strong will is such a challenge when they are young, but a blessing when they are older!
Thank you, thank you, thank you! I needed this now as my 8 year old spirited son is trying to cope with all the negativity that comes with being a loud energetic child. He is so sensitive and all of the redirection just eats away at him. I’m printing this off as a reminder to the both of us of God’s special plan for him.
Thank you for this article. I needed to read it this evening. I’ve just got my wonderful, demanding, lively, intelligent, strong willed, ever questioning three year old son off to sleep. I’m exhausted, but feel incredibly blessed. When I start worrying about him tomorrow I’ll remember your words.
Thank you
truth … my guy is now 21 and he is an amazing Godly young man … believes in who he is and how God made him. moms believe in your children and be their biggest advocate, you know what’s best for them, don’t go along with everything you are told!!!
Amen! Thanks so much for sharing your testimony… we need to hear from you! I’m honored you stopped by!
This is My Grandson… and I know God has a special purpose in mind for Him , He will use My Grandson for His Glory..