Struggling with knowing how to pray in this hard season? Here’s a prayer for finances that you can use when money’s tight and you feel overwhelmed.
Several years ago, before my husband became a pastor, he was laid off from his job. At the time, I had just begun homeschooling our oldest son, and we were in the process of adopting our second son.
To say I was scared was an understatement — we’d just made some major life changes, and had lost our only source of income!
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During that time, I had to learn how to completely put my trust in God and His provision for our family. This was also the season where He led me to learn about how to be more frugal than I ever thought possible. I learned how to go before God in prayer for finances and budgeting help. He was always faithful!
Thankfully, we’d been budgeting for years, so I was able to go through our budget and prayerfully slash absolutely everything that wasn’t a necessity. I knew what we were spending and what we really needed.

My husband and I in front of the new church building a few years ago
I clipped coupons and learned how to get the things we needed for cheap, or sometimes, free. I would scour Crystal’s Money Saving Mom site for deals. I also learned how to save tons of money on necessary toiletries and miscellaneous items (like toothpaste, toilet paper, etc) at CVS through her CVS 101 posts.
Sometimes, I would leave a store with several items we needed and after all my coupons and discounts were tallied, the cashier actually gave me money!
I also became huge on meal planning. That’s when I learned about helpful programs like emeals, which helped you choose budget friendly meals and gave you a shopping list you could take to the store. Now they’ve expanded it even further; they’ll send your shopping list to WalMart for you and all you have to do it pick it up! This really saves you time and money. No toting your toddlers into the store, and no impulse purchases, either. (They have a free offer here if you’d like to try them.)
I did what I could, the best that I knew how, and turned it all over to God. Then a miracle happened! My husband found out what he would be getting from unemployment each week (it wasn’t much!) — and that unemployment check would be just enough to cover our necessities.
Related: Breakthrough Prayer For Finances & Blessings
We had a dollar or two (literally) left over each week, which we would often use to rent a $1 movie for family night on the weekend. That felt like a splurge to us at the time, given our circumstances!
God continued to perform small financial miracles for us during that season…
- Several times, we received a reimbursement check in the mail for an overpayment on something that we didn’t even know we’d overpaid.
- My parents would have us over for dinner about once a week, which helped with our food costs.
- I learned to use Swagbucks to earn Amazon gift cards, which I used to pay for Christmas presents that year.
God was generous with us — He always is, but in different ways during different seasons.
One thing to consider as you say a prayer for finances, is this — are you being a faithful steward with what He’s already given you?
Remember, the money isn’t ours, it’s all His, and He is only giving it to us to steward it for Him. If we are not using our finances in a way that glorifies Him, we need to revisit some things.
Consider what you’re spending your money on. Are they worldly things? Are they things that encourage you to sin? Are you giving Him back a portion of what He’s given to you? Are you looking for ways to be generous, even when it’s hard?
Let’s pray.
A Prayer For Finances: How To Pray When Money’s Tight
Lord, I want to say thank you for what you’ve already provided. You’ve been so good and gracious to me.
I know there are many ways You’ve blessed me before and I can trust that You’ll help me again. Today I bring before You a prayer for finances. I need Your help!
As I go through this season of want, help me to have the right attitude. Give me the right perspective for my situation. Open my eyes to what You want to teach me right now.
Help me to see how this season of want will help me appreciate my season of abundance when it comes.
Help me to be resourceful and to uncover some of the hidden things that I can’t see yet, whether it be how to be more frugal with my spending or how to earn more money. Or, maybe You have something else for me entirely. I know You can bless me in ways I can’t even begin to ask for or imagine.
Give me direction for how to be industrious, like the Proverbs 31 Woman. Help me to have the motivation to get up and search out ways to improve my situation.
Keep me from discouragement and depression as I navigate this challenging season.
Help me to encourage myself in You.
Give me peace in my heart and clarity of mind.
Keep me from complaining while I’m in this place that feels like a wilderness.
Teach me to be confident in You, and what You are going to do. I want to look back and wonder marvelously at the testimony You will give me from this time in my life.
Lord, I know You are working for my good, and I can do all things through You. You strengthen me!
I put my trust in You today, and my finances into Your hands. Please multiply my efforts, and I will give You all the glory for it.
In Jesus name, Amen.
I hope this prayer for finances was a blessing to you!
Here are a few more posts you might like:
- How To Pray When You’re Hurting
- “Lord I Am Tired and Weary” – A Prayer For Mental Strength
- My Dave Ramsey Meal Plan For A Beans + Rice Budget
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Great article! Thanks for being resourceful and encouraging to your readers.
Jaime, this is incredible. I’ve been feeling led to pray like this recently in our season of want. I was moved and touched that God gave me the exact words to pray here, because you survived your season. I’m learning to be thankful and joyful in every circumstance. Thank you and I pray God blesses you abundantly!
Thank you I really appreciate it I know God is and he’s always there for me but I appreciate the prayer and The positive thinking thank you so much God bless.
Thank you so much for your prayer! My dad is a pastor, so growing up, money was tight, but God always provided! My husband is a Christian day school teacher, and I stay home with our 3 kids. This season of life has many blessings, but struggles as well. Finances are something that I worry about, but as God tells us, “Ask and it shall be given to you, seek and you will find, knock and the door will be open unto you.” God wants us to come to Him for everything! I don’t always have the words to pray for financial help. Your words were beautifully said, and it helped me to see it from a different perspective. Thank you for sharing this, I will be praying this in my heart! It also gives me a fresh view on how to use the blessings and money that He has given in a God-pleasing way.
I so needed this today. Thank you for the prayer. God is good and He always leads us to the right thing to read or pray and for me today, this was it. Thank you for sharing. You’ve blessed me. I pray a million blessings back to you.
Thank you for this prayer I needed this in my time of struggle right now I know
God will turn things around for me in Jesus name amen
Thank you for such a powerful prayer. I’m going through some struggles now myself and I know all things are possible through Christ my saviour I put it all in his hands. He have never forsaken me and I owe it all to him. May God continue to bless you and your family.
Thank you for sharing your experience and this prayer. Just what I need at this point in my life when I am worried and anxious over my finances. I will continue to pray this prayer and to trust God that He will never leave me and will continue to provide for me.
Thank you for sharing your testimony. This is exactly what I needed. This has given me hope in my season of want.
God bless you Jamie.
I was just looking for something to read, but God gave me a blessing of learning through your article. I wanna read more of your stories and be inspired. Please write more about the struggles of motherhood while keeping your faith firm. God bless you abundantly!
You’re too sweet,Carla <3
Yes please pray for me any thing I do it’s not enough. The south is tough I try hard to keep my bills up and I’m on SSI disblty and they don’t give u enough to live on. I try everything and still not working I pray the Lord will opened doors for me because I’m getting behind my bills and it’s not my fault. I have a choice to pay rent and water and light bills not to pay copy for my meds it’s crazy in South Carolina Aiken SC I was living in new York never had problems with my bills. I hope someone will send me a blessed to catch up on my bills for September I pray and study God holy words I don’t know anyone down here but Jesus Christ. Please keep me in your prayers I need help from the Lord.
Thanks for sharing this knowledge with me.
Thanks a lot,it’s just what i needed on this very day.Gid bless you.
It feels really good to know this season can and will pass with the right attitude and faith in God. I felt like I was drowning in this but I’m super glad I found the right prayer for me
Amen I am blessed thank you for these prayers.God bless you.
Amen. Thanks for sharing with us. God bless you.
Thanks so much for this article.What hit me the most,was the question you asked “have you been a faithful steward?”.I haven’t,am now praying to be a faithful steward of all God has blessed me with.
Thank you Jamie , this was an eye opener . I really needed this intervention.
Dear Jaime, You article has put money in perspective for me. Although, I come from a poor financial family – I am the youngest of 10 children where my father was the sole provider. My mother share many testimonies with me on how God provided through the years for our family. However, being the youngest, I was fortunate to have obtained a university degree with the help of my parents, sisters and brothers. Subsequently, I have only known seasons of abundance. I am now 56 years old. I have two children at university. I am still working, but the company I am working for is retrenching 30-40% of the staff. I am thus uncertain what the future holds, but God has always been generous to me and believe that He will continue to do so.
I do so want to thank you especially for the advise relating to (1) that money isn’t ours, (2) are we using our finances in ways to glorify God?, and (3) are we giving back a portion of what he has given us and are we thinking of ways to be generous.
God has made our paths cross and I praise Him for that.
May your wisdom help me to help others in need and myself. God bless you abundantly.
Praise the Lord! ALLELUIA! ALLELUIA!
From South Africa
Jaime this is so encouraging. I feel alot more knowledgeable on how to pray not only in the season of want but in all seasons. Much love from Kenya. Can I also get the prayer journal?
Absolutely! Just request it through the prompt at the top of this page.
Thank you Jaime for your prayer advice and for reminding me of our obligation to give our 10 percent back to our Lord and his work.
Thanks Jaime for this powerful prayer. i know its my season and my Lord will turn it round for me. thanks for your encouragements.
i will definitely share this prayer with others in financial crisis.
greeting from Jacksonville Florida,
Hi there as a believer we need to thank Jesus for what we already have he knows our up rise and our down fall
but we got to have faith that he can bless us when we really need a blessing, healing, strengthen us when we are weak and can help build our faith by reading his word and praying and fasting. we can’t complaint about what we don’t have because he is blessing us each day we open our eyes, we can talk, walk and etc. Jesus is the same yesterday and to day. sometime we can tries to encourage family or friends and let them know don’t give up help is on the way. in the meantime keep praying and don’t give up. each and everybody pray for one another to encourage them with a kind word that Jesus love them and he has not forgotten about them he does know our name just like he knows every string of hair on our head. everybody lift up one another and we shall over come our heavy burden or our heavy load just give it to Jesus and leave it there. keep going your prayer will be answer in due time. My name is Karen keep me lift up in prayer.
I’m really blessed by the prayers especially the one against weariness. My mind was lifted immediately i will repeat it over and over because as I pray it am able to use my words and apply it to my situation am also feeling the renewed strength to pray more.
God bless you richly
Your prayer Bring a blessing to my soul, may God continue to bless you richly
Thank you for the prayers ? I know Lord really hears my prayers he has been providing since childhood and has never let me down this I will pass through my tuition will be paid by him I have faith in you Lord you won’t fail me help me in financial crisis
Thank you so much Jamie this prayer is right on time for my situation. I am trusting God even more in this season of want as we know the season of abundance is coming in Jesus’ name. God bless you and yohr family.
Wow it’s so amazing how God works! In general, but also in specifics. I lost my job and have been unemployed longer than I ever imagined. But it’s been a journey in trusting God more. But it really is crazy how many similarities there are in how He provided in my story and yours. Proof that He does not change!