Is God prompting you to whisper a prayer for encouragement for someone else, perhaps a friend or a child? Or maybe you need an encouraging prayer for yourself? These five uplifting prayers will help you get started when you don’t seem to have the words to say.
In the bible, we find two primary instructions for encouragement, to:
- encourage others, and
- encourage yourself.
Hebrews 3:13 tells us,
But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called ‘Today,’ so that none of you may be hardened by sin’s deceitfulness.
When was the last time you purposefully encouraged someone else? Make it a point to lift someone up with an encouraging prayer and reach out to them today. Doing so helps keeps us (and them!) from being hardened and deceived by sin. It’s human nature to watch out for ourselves, or “us four and no more,” but scripture admonishes us that we should reach out to others.
Encouraging yourself in the Lord is also biblical. David gave us an example of this in 1 Samuel 30:6 KJV:
And David was greatly distressed; for the people spake of stoning him, because the soul of all the people was grieved, every man for his sons and for his daughters: but David encouraged himself in the Lord his God.
We Were Created For Community
When we’re isolated, our hearts harden. Our mind begins to play tricks on us, convincing us that no one cares about us. We begin to believe that we don’t matter, falling prey to Satan’s lies.
God created us for community. The early church in the book of Acts was thriving and at it’s best when they “devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and prayer” (Acts 2:42). What a beautiful example of how our relationships should work today! This church community was focused on God’s word, gathering together, eating together, and praying together. They were encouraging one another on a regular basis!
If you’re struggling to find the words to whisper a prayer for encouragement, here are some ideas to get you started.
Prayer For Encouragement
Prayer for encouragement for a friend
Dear Lord, I bring my friend before you this morning. You have always been faithful to her; remind her of your faithfulness today. Help her to trust you. Give her hope and strength in the days ahead. Remind her that she is your child and you have a plan and purpose for her life. Bring words of life to her lips as she speaks to others. Despite any hardships she might be facing right now, help to have a song of praise in her heart, knowing you are with her. Encourage her and give her strength today. In Jesus name, amen.
Prayer for encouragement for my husband
Heavenly Father, thank you for the husband you’ve graciously given to me. Protect his mind today. Help him to think pure thoughts, thoughts that are lovely, true, and edifying. Help him to renew his mind so he may be transformed by your spirit. Protect him from burnout and exhaustion. Give him favor at work with his co-workers as well as those in leadership. Show him how much you love him today. Fill him with joy and hope. Prompt me to pray an uplifting and encouraging prayer for him each morning. In Jesus name, amen.
An encouraging prayer for my daughter
God, what a precious gift I have in my daughter. Thank you for bringing her into my life. Draw her closer to you today. Help her to find her worth in you. Remind her that she is yours and you cherish her. Lead her in righteousness and truth. Protect her from worldliness and worldly influences. Keep her safe from harm. Bless her with friends who care about her and desire to live for you. Give her favor with her teachers and administrators. Teach her that true beauty comes from within. Like the Proverbs 31 woman, give her strength and help her laugh at the days to come. You are truly a good, good father! In Jesus name, amen.
An encouraging prayer for my son
Lord, I offer my son to you this morning. Help him seek out wisdom and understanding (Proverbs 4:5). Direct his path today. Place friends in his life who point him to you. Remind him to take captive every thought that’s not honoring to you. Give him strength to flee temptations that arise as he goes about his day. Show him that true strength only comes from you, and that when he is weak you are strong. He can run to you. Encourage him to be strong and courageous. Like the prodigal son, show him that your love for him is limitless and he will always be welcome in his father’s house. In Jesus name, amen.
Prayer for encouragement at work
Dear God, thank you for the job that you’ve provided me and for enabling me to work. Help me to view my work as outlined in Colossians 3:23-24: “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance.” Keep me from grumbling and complaining. Give me an eternal perspective regarding my job and the responsibilities I have there. Encourage me to see things the way you would have me see them. Help me be a witness of you to others. Grant me favor with my bosses and coworkers. In Jesus name, amen.
Prayer for encouraging myself in the Lord
Father, today I pray for myself. Like David showed us in 1 Samuel 30:6, help me to encourage myself in you. When I’m distressed, remind me how blessed I am. You are for me, with me, and you’ll never leave me or forsake me. You stick closer than a brother to me. When you choose not to deliver me from a trial, I can trust that you’ll bring me through the trial in a way that glorifies you. You are always working for my good. Even when I can’t see it, you’re working on my behalf. You are miraculous, holy, and awesome. What a privilege it is to bring my requests to you! Bless me with hope and peace today. Remind me of your extravagant grace and the mercies you make new every morning for me. Help me to speak life into others. Let the joy of the Lord be evident in my life. Encourage me and guide me; I thank you for this today! In Jesus name, amen.
It’s our hope that these prayers for encouragement blessed you and prompted you into a special time of prayer. We’re so glad you’re here!
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A Few More Prayers You’ll Find at Bubbling Brook:
- Prayer For Finances
- Prayers for the Daniel Fast
- How to Pray When You’re Hurting
- Prayers for Faith & Hope
Thank you for these well worded prayers. I have good intentions but always seem to lose or tangle the words or get distracted.
Your words are a blessing in both directions. Recovering from a stroke so even simple things can be frustrating and exhausting.
Anything to encourage a perfectionist grandchild who is convinced girls can’t do math? She is talented in many ways but I think her attitude is an obstacle to her doing math.