A family is something that we all cherish. Families are the foundation of society, and they provide many opportunities for people to connect with one another and grow together. So, when a family experiences conflict or turmoil, it can be very difficult because everyone’s emotions are so raw. Use this prayer for peace in the family to help you pray for family unity during these tough times.
Try to read this prayer out loud, pausing as you read and inserting your own heartfelt words. Is there something specific happening in your family that you can add to this prayer as you read? Be honest with God. Ask for the Holy Spirit’s guidance as you pray, simply talking to God as you would talk to a close friend or mentor. Helpful bible verses are also included throughout the prayer; feel free to look them up afterwards if you have the time.
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A Prayer For Peace in the Family
I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world. — John 16:33
Dear God, please help us to find peace in our family. We are living in a time of turmoil and fear, and it’s tearing apart the relationships we have with one another. Please bring us together as a family so that we may love each other freely without the burden of judgment or criticism.
Give us patience, understanding and forgiveness for the things we do wrong against each other. Help us find unity again even amidst all these conflicts going on in the world today. We are thankful for the time we have with one another, and we thank you that you’ve given us the gift of family.
We pray that we may love each other freely, without condemnation or manipulation. Give us patience and understanding for all of our weaknesses and flaws. Help us to remember that none of us are perfect, and we all need to be given grace.
We pray for the marriages in our family. Help us to love and respect one another. Help husbands to love their wives as you love the church, and as you gave yourself up for the church (Ephesians 5:25). Help wives to show respect to their husbands (Ephesians 5:33).
We pray that the children in our family would honor their parents (Exodus 20:12). May they seek to understand and appreciate the wisdom of their parents.
We pray that the parents in our family would encourage and build up their children rather than tear them down or provoke them (Colossians 3:21). May they discipline their children as you would, with the reproof that comes from a place of love and mercy (Proverbs 13:24).
We pray for peace in our family. We pray that we may work together to make it a beautiful place full of laughter and joy. Protect us from outside forces who seek to tear down this foundation of society, which is the institution of family that you divinely established. Keep us safe and guide our paths so that we may always be on the path of righteousness (Psalm 23:12).
We pray for our finances; help us to continue to be able to provide for our family, without the burden of financial stress. Help us confront unforeseen circumstances with the power of your Word. Bless us financially so that we may, in turn, be able to financially give to the ministries and causes that glorify you.
Help our home be a place of refuge from the world. Let all who enter into our home feel the peace and love that only you can give. When it’s time for them to leave our home, may they leave feeling better than they did when they first arrived. Bless their coming in and going out (Deuteronomy 28:6). Help us to leave a legacy of Christian hospitality in our family and to the people in our community.
Not only do we pray for our family today, but we pray for the families around us. We pray that they may find peace and unity as well, because together we can make a huge difference in the world. We know that through the power of your spirit we are more powerful than any evil force or devil who seeks to destroy us (Matthew 28:18-20). May we remember that Satan is like a roaring lion, roaming to and fro, seeking whom he may devour (1 Peter 5:8) but you, Lord, came so that we might have abundant life (John 10:10).
We’re told in John 13:35 that we’ll be known as your disciples by our love one towards another. Help us to love one another well and be a light of your love to the world around us.
Lord, your word says in Mark 11:24 that “Therefore I tell you whatever you ask in prayer believe that you have received it and it will be yours.” We believe and declare peace in our family, in Jesus name. Family unity is possible through the help of your spirit working in us. We humbly receive it and thank you for it.
We pray that you would guide us and protect us, so we can continue to do your work here on earth. May our family come together and be strengthened to accomplish the plans and purposes you have for us. May we experience family peace and unity in a way that’s greater than we ever have before. We pray these things in Jesus name. Amen.
What can we pray with you about? Be sure to let us know in the comments.
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Thanks Jaime am grateful to hear from you please I will you to send me some prayers to help me thanks
please send me prayers verses that will me feel the Gods presence