We’ve been thinking about what a meaningful Easter looks like for our family, and when the kids were younger we came up with this plan for being intentional about creating meaningful Easter memories with them. Below is the post that I wrote a few years ago; I hope that it blesses you and that you are able to integrate some of these ideas in your home! He is Risen… Hallelujah!
This Sunday is Palm Sunday, and we intend to make this Easter week more meaningful than ever for our family.
Here’s what we’re planning to do each of the eight days leading to Easter:
1) Palm Sunday
We’ll be out of town on Palm Sunday, but will still re-enact some semblance of Jesus’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem as a family. I love the idea of purchasing a few silk palm branches to wave in praises to Jesus! There’s a fantastic creative tutorial for decorative palm branches on the Mustard Seeds blog, here. We’ll also read Mark 11:1-11 and Luke 18:29-28.
2) Monday
Read Mark 11:15-18, and discuss what happened in the temple that day. Why was Jesus so upset? What can we do to keep the church a meaningful, worshipful place?
3) Tuesday
Talk about Judas making plans to betray Jesus.
4) Wednesday
Watch a children’s video relaying the meaning of Easter, such as The Greatest Adventure Stories From the Bible: The Easter Story.
5) Thursday
We’ll have a time for foot washing, just as Jesus washed the feet of his disciples on this day, and talk about the importance of serving others. What can we do to encourage serving others in our daily life? We’d also like to recount the passover evening. While I’m not planning a formal Seder meal, we’ll have lamb, bitter herbs, unleavened bread, egg, salt water, and grape juice, explaining the meaning of each. In leiu of spreading blood on the door (!) we’ll hang red fabric on the door and discuss what it means. What was is like for the Israelites on that night?
6) Friday
Talk about the crucifixion day, and recount the passover and last supper.
7) Saturday
Meditate on Jesus being in the tomb. Our oldest son may enjoy being wrapped up as a mummy (in toilet paper) and we’ll talk about burial customs. Also, how did Mary and the disciples feel on this day?
8 ) Easter Sunday
Celebrate that Jesus is risen and read Luke 24:1-9. For further discussion, talk about the day of Pentecost and the Holy Spirit coming in Acts 2 as part of the beauty of the resurrection. He came, died, and rose again because He loved us and wanted us to have new life in Him!
What will you do to make this Easter meaningful for your family?
To the Young Mom with a Busy Toddler at Church
Why Would God Let This Happen?
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I LOVE these ideas! Gonna steal some. We did the palm branch thing too last year, getting the idea from that same site. I can’t wait to begin! 🙂
What wonderful ideas for adding a bit more depth to this meaningful season!
Thanks so much for sharing this. My husband and I were discussing things we wanted to do this year.
I found you on the link from Women Living Well and so glad I did!
Great ideas to celebrate the season!
I love how you’ve shared this! Very helpful.
Thank you, Laura!