Today’s post is written by Brenda, whose husband experienced two severe strokes, but God intervened. Duane is now a walking miracle, a testimony of God’s ability to heal our bodies when He so chooses. May this encourage you today! But God!
Written By Brenda Hensley
My husband and family love to hunt, and every year the men take a trip to Indianapolis for a hunting expo.
Last year, however, was a little different.
As they were about halfway through the drive, my husband thought that the car was starting to lose power, so he pulled onto the shoulder of the road. He suddenly realized it was not the car, but him! He noticed that he had no sensation in his right leg, and he became instantly nauseous. He tried getting out of the car, then collapsed, having no strength to hold himself up. The men with him quickly got him up and back into the car, and began to search for a nearby hospital. There was one on the very next exit, just one mile up! Tell me God’s timing isn’t perfect!
At The Hospital
Once they arrived at the first hospital, they put my husband in a wheelchair and his facial features resembled the evidence of a stroke. His mouth was relaxed and drooping, and his body was slumped over to the side. My son called to tell me what was going on and that an MRI showed a tear in the artery in the back of his neck at the base of his skull.
The doctor called for a transport to St. Vincent’s Hospital in Indianapolis. I was absolutely overwhelmed and could not believe what I was hearing. I gathered the rest of our kids together and we headed down there.
By the time we arrived, things had worsened, and Duane had lost his sight. He also had no memory of the prior hospital. They began a new series of tests, and confirmed that he had definitely had a stroke, that it was still bleeding, and that only time would tell of the deficits his brain had sustained.
We started a prayer chain. Our assistant pastor came down to be with us, our friends and his Dad that were with him for the hunting expo stayed for support, and we all just waited. Not having answers was excruciating, but that is when your faith must be at it’s strongest, because this is when the devil creeps in with his lies and tries to make you believe that all hope is lost!
Released, But Back Again
Duane was released 5 days later, with his sight recovered and able to walk on his own! He was still in a ton of pain, but he was just thankful to go home. After being home for one day, the intense pain and nausea started all over again, so we rushed him back to the ER. They confirmed that he had suffered another stroke!
We were devastated and scared, to be honest. What is your purpose in all of this, Lord? We had many people praying for us, and thank you to everyone that did! What a reassurance to know that you are being carried in prayer!
The doctors did their best to relieve his pain, but after 3 days of chronic pain, my husband had lost his patience.
The Prayer & The Healing
Our Pastor and his wife had just left from praying for him, and my husband also had a prayer meeting of his own.
He said, “I pulled the sheet over my head and began to cry out to God. If someone had walked in, they would have thought I was crazy! All power is in the name of Jesus, so why haven’t you healed me Lord? I believe that your Word is true! I am asking in prayer believing, so why am I still in pain? Why am I going through this?” My husband put it in God’s hands and just trusted that He would have His way.
A couple hours later, the doctor sent for a speech and physical therapist to check his “condition”. They asked him a series of questions to test his cognitive responses and then tested his writing skills. They tested his reflexes and arm strength. They gave him a walker and asked him to gently ease himself out of his bed. That was enough for him! He politely moved the walker OUT of his way and stood up.
They said, “Mr. Hensley, you have suffered 2 strokes, you should not be able to stand on your own!” So Duane, accepting the challenge, walked around the room, turned in a circle and even stood on one leg! They were shocked! God is so good!
Tests Confirm Healing!
The doctor ordered a series of tests, and on Sunday morning, the Lord’s day, the doctor walked in with the results. He said, and I quote (with a huge smile on my face), “Mr. Hensley, You must have a Higher Power looking out for you! We have taken many scans, but these last ones show that your strokes have healed! We have proof that they were there, but they are now gone!”
God is amazing!!!
The doctor went into great detail of the 2 different areas of where the strokes occurred. The strokes should have affected his right leg and arm strength, his eyesight, and even his memory and thinking… But God!
Duane was released from the hospital a couple of days later, but the hospital was in a buzz about his healing. Nurses and staff would stop in the see if it was real, and my husband took every opportunity to tell them what God had done for him. The very sweet physical therapist that had been treating my husband was the most moved by what had happened, so much so, that very early one morning she came in to hear his testimony. She was hungry for something from God, and my husband talked with her and prayed for her.
God is a mighty God, and there are NO limits to what He can do! We are beyond grateful for His mercy and intervening hand. My husband is living his life as he was before the strokes, working a job, playing his favorite sports and still hunting! It is a moment that has humbled us and reminds us we are His vessels for His purpose!
Brenda and Duane Hensley attend the Portage United Pentecostal Church in Portage, Indiana, where Duane is a minister and Brenda is involved in the Children’s Church program and Silver Box Ministry. They have 5 children and have been married for 25 years.
We rejoice with the Hensleys for this marvelous healing!
Praised the lord you are healed good god almighty! I ask for prayer for my husband juan rivera iriarte he suffered stroke and not is post acute center making small improvements
Hi Jaime, Praise the Lord, our Jehovah Rapha indeed heals today. I am so happy that God healed your husband, and you are telling his story to glorify God. God also healed me, confirmed a miracle by my doctor. I had fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue for about 15 years. Even unbelievers rejoiced in God’s healing. Please continue to tell God’s story. May the Lord richly bless you and your husband. Karen
Hello Karen! This is not my husband, but rather our guest’s husband. Glad his testimony blessed you!