Do you need a miracle in your financial situation? This breakthrough prayer for finances will help you go to God and pray His blessings over your money and your life, regardless of what’s going on in the world or our economy.
One thing to consider as you pray for a financial breakthrough is this — are you being a faithful steward with what He’s already given you? Remember, any money that comes our way doesn’t belong to us. It’s all His, and He is only giving it to us to steward it for Him. We are to be faithful managers of it. If we are not using our finances in a way that glorifies Him, we need to make changes in those areas first and foremost. Pause and reflect on this before you speak any sort of breakthrough prayer for finances.
Consider what you’re currently spending your money on. Are they worldly things? Are they things that encourage you to sin? Are you giving Him back a portion of what He’s given to you (tithing)? Are you looking for ways to be generous with others, even when it’s a sacrifice for you?
Think about these things as you pray and ask God to give you wisdom.
Fasting and Prayer For Financial Breakthrough
In addition to praying, including a time period of fasting can also break strongholds in your life. In the New Testament we find that some breakthroughs only come by both prayer AND fasting. There are many ways to integrate fasting into your spiritual life, but The Daniel Fast has become a favorite of ours. Here are 21 prayers for the Daniel Fast and 21 Daniel Fast Scripture readings.
Often, as we fast and pray, we grow closer to God and begin to understand His plan and purpose for our current situation. You may find that, when He doesn’t change your situation right away, He’s working on your heart and trying to speak something into your life. Listen to that still, small voice. It may be the Holy Spirit prompting you.
Related: A Prayer For Finances: How to Pray When Money’s Tight
How to Use This Prayer
If you can’t seem to find the words to pray, feel free to pray this breakthrough prayer word-for-word. Alternatively (and this is my preference), use this prayer as more of a “prayer prompt.” Add in your own words or thoughts. Make it yours. Speak it out loud rather than simply in your head. Pause and reflect every few sentences. Listen to what the Lord is whispering into your heart.
Ready? Now, let us pray.
Breakthrough Prayer for Finances & Blessings
Lord, I come before you with thankfulness.
Lord, I want to say thank you for what you’ve already provided. You’ve been so good and gracious to me. I’m grateful for your work in my life. Thank you for your saving grace and the mercies you make new every morning.
I remember what you’ve already done for me.
I know there are many ways You’ve blessed me before and I can trust that you’ll help me again. I take joy in your Word and my time spent with You. May your praises continually be in my mouth. You are good and merciful. You desire good things for your children.
Help me to have the right perspective.
As I go through this season of want, help me to have the right attitude. Give me the right perspective for my situation. Open my eyes to what you want to teach me right now.
Help me to see how this season of want will help me appreciate my season of abundance when it comes.
Lord, open my eyes and help me to see what you want me to see.
Help me to be resourceful and to uncover some of the hidden things I can’t see yet, whether it be how to be more frugal with my spending or how to earn more money. Or, maybe you have something else for me entirely. I know you can bless me in ways I can’t even begin to ask for or imagine. You are powerful and able to do the miraculous!
Help me be be industrious and motivated.
Give me direction for how to be industrious, like the Proverbs 31 Woman. Help me to have the motivation to get up and search out ways to improve my situation. Give me direction and lead me into a breakthrough for my financial situation.
Keep me from discouragement.
Keep me from discouragement and depression as I navigate this challenging season.
Help me to encourage myself in you.
Give me peace in my heart and clarity in my mind.
Keep me from complaining and teach me to be confident in you, Lord.
Keep me from complaining while I’m in this place that feels like a wilderness. Teach me to be confident in you, and what you are going to do. I want to look back and wonder marvelously at the testimony you will give me from this time in my life. Help me to share that testimony with everyone around me so it may encourage them when they’re in need of a breakthrough in their finances, too.
Help me to pursue You first, before money.
While I need a financial breakthrough in my life, help me to put you first, God. Help me to pursue you and seek you first above anything else. Psalm 84:11 says you are the source of every good thing and I know you will give me what I need if I continue to seek you. Matthew 6:33 tells me, “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” Give me the right mindset to accomplish this and see the fruits of your blessings added to my life.
Protect me from the trap of debt.
Lord, I know that Proverbs 22:7 tells us that the borrower is slave to the lender. Protect me from falling into the trap of debt. Teach me your financial principles and show me how to live within the means that I have. Show me how to spend less than I make so I can keep more of what I have, and use it for your glory.
I can do all things through Christ.
Lord, I know You are working for my good, and I can do all things through You. You strengthen me! I know that in my weakness you show yourself strong. When I struggle for a breakthrough, that is when you show your strength and perform the miraculous.
I will trust you with my financial situation.
I put my trust in You today, and my finances into Your hands. Please multiply my efforts, give me a breakthrough in this current situation, and I will give You all the glory for it. I pray your blessings over my life, relationships, and finances.
In Jesus name, Amen.
As you enter into a time of worship, listen to the words of the song “The Blessing” by Elevation Church and Kari Jobe. Here’s a snippet from the lyrics:
The Lord bless you
And keep you
Make His face shine upon you
And be gracious to you
The Lord turn His
Face toward you
And give you peace
It’s taken directly from scripture, specifically Numbers 6:24-26, and fits perfectly with this breakthrough prayer for finances and blessings.
You can click play to listen and worship along, here:
I pray it blesses you!
Up Next: 15 Bible Verses About Finances That’ll Change Your Life
Pro Tip: Save money on meal planning by giving eMeals a try. This is the meal planning service Dave Ramsey recommends on his show. For a small fee, they’ll even send your meal plan and shopping list over to a local store (like WalMart!) and have your groceries ready for you to just pick-up and go. Click here to try it free for 14 days.
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Thank you very much. Your prayer points are going to help me a lot.
Continue to bless us. Amen
Thank you,
All week the Lord has been sending me prays that I really need from my pastor, other church members, and now you guys. He always sends what one needs. Once again thank you!
praise God…this has encouraged me , thank you.
Blessings to you.
Thank you Dear Heavenly Father for your grace and mercy.
Thank you very much and God richly bless you for the good work.
May God hear our prayers.