In our home, we try to reinforce that Jesus is the Reason for the Season. I especially enjoy reading Christmas books that share the birth of Jesus with my children, but they can be surprisingly difficult to find; I’ve had to become very intentional in my search. Have you experienced this?
On a recent trip to our local library I was shocked to find that nearly every Christmas story available shared everything but Jesus. One story (on display, front and center) was about a Christmas witch. Many others were about Santa, elves, reindeer, and the like. Oh, how we are so easily distracted from what’s really important — cultivating a love for Jesus and celebrating His entrance into this world, this precious babe, God wrapped in flesh!
If you’re searching for Christmas books that share the birth of Jesus, here are five your children will enjoy.
You can click on each one for more information:
Remember, though, that the best story of all is the one shared straight from your Bible while holding your little ones close.
Can you add to this list? What stories do your children enjoy during the Christmas season? Let’s see how many we can come up with!
In grace,
We also read Christmas in the Manger, The Beginner’s Bible-The Very First Christmas, A Charlie Brown Christmas, Thomas Kinkade’s Away in a Manger, and The Bearenstein Bears Joy of Giving…to name a few. :o)
Thanks for the reminder to read the Christmas story straight from the Bible!
It’s our Christmas morning tradition! xoxo
Jaime, I was looking around some more on your blog and saw this post. When my daughter was 5 she memorized the Birth Story of Jesus straight from Luke 2, complete with handmotions. She loved it! And she surprised all our family on Christmas Eve by reciting it. The account in Luke is written so simply (besides a few big words that can be explained) and reads just like a storybook. It’s perfect for children.
We did read a new story this year, Silent Night: The Song and Its Story by Margaret Hodges and Tim Ladwig Silent Night. While not about the birth of Jesus directly, it is the account of how Silent Night was written to celebrate Jesus’ birth. It was well written and beautifully illustrated and shares the birth of Christ in the story.