It’s getting late and my eyelids are heavy. The day has been long and draining for this mama.
The sun has quietly tucked away beneath the horizon and a full moon now lights up the night sky.
Little teeth are brushed and gleaming, and jammies are on. Bible story is read, prayers are said, and off they go, shuffling down the hall.
Do one thing, then the next, and the next, then off to bed.
Sing the lullaby, kiss the forehead, and turn out the light.
I find myself hurrying through our routine. It’s my time to get evening chores done; the sink needs scrubbing, coffee pot needs setting, and there’s laundry left to fold.
There’s a quiet voice from a sleepy boy who is standing in the doorway: “Mommy, can I sleep with you?” he whispers.
“Not tonight, honey,” I reply.
I look into his eyes as he looks down. He feels rejected. It pierces me. Maybe I can slow down and give him a few minutes?
“Come here and let me hold you for awhile,” I whisper, moving toward our old brown couch, the couch that’s witnessed many early morning prayers, little boy wrestling matches, and runaway Cheerios.
He crawls up into my arms.
I rock him, sing softly to him… remembering what it was like to hold him when he was so much smaller, just a baby, with wrinkled skin and rosy cheeks and clear eyes. He’s not a baby anymore, but he’s still my baby and always will be.
As he begins to fall asleep, I nudge him. “Let me carry you to bed and I’ll lay with you there for a little while.”
We crawl into his bed and I draw up the covers, snuggling in. I kiss his little boy cheeks, rub his head, trace my finger on his nose.
After awhile, when his breathing is steady and slow, I inch to the edge of the bed and gingerly, gently, slip one of my legs out from under the covers. So much to get done…
His little hand clenches my shirt.
“Don’t go,” he whispers.
And so I stay awhile longer.
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I am thankful for the moments when I know I got it right. Made the right choice to slow down and savor the moment they’re asking for. Well done, mama.
Jaime, my kids are all grown up now. It’s the grandkids that we get to slow down for. And what a privilege. Thank you for reminding us to make those tender moments count.
Your neighbor at Holley’s,
Gosh, this was too sweet! And it has me anticipating the days when I will finally get to be a mama to a little boy or little girl in the future 🙂
xoxo, SS
The Southern Stylista
Oh, I loved this so much. My 5 year old has started to move way from snuggles, now it is a rarity. My teen, well he is a teen. You almost had me crying such a beautiful message
You are so sweet, Allyson. Thank you for leaving a comment tonight. xoxo
Brought tears to my eyes. Those day after day after day routines are so hard but they grow up so fast and change so fast. I know that this has been something that I have been working on. The grace He gives us. visiting from coffee for your heart #89
So sweet, Jaime! Those precious moments fly by so swiftly that they are like a dream. Savor every moment!
What a beautiful post. They do grow so fast. I see so many parents that want their children to act like “little adults” and it saddens me. Let them be children while they can. Life itself forces them to mature soon enough.
Thank you so much for sharing this at the Monday Mish Mash Link Party!
This is so, so good, Jaime! For me, it’s the early morning hours, when my little blond boy wakes before I want my “me time” or my “Jesus time” disrupted. But if only in that one moment, I’m determined every day to wrap him up in my lap and breathe him in for all I can. Thank you for sharing this!
Angela, you’re so sweet! What a beautiful word picture… heading to go wrap mine up and breathe them in, too! Love that!