Want to start the new school year right? If you’ve ever struggled with teacher gift ideas, then you’ll love this free printable teacher questionnaire. Send it with your child on the first day of school, and file it for reference whenever you’d like to send a small gift – Christmas, birthday, or an appreciation day!
I love giving gifts.
Except for when I don’t know what to give.
This is the dilemma I’ve had with giving gifts to teachers… I love teachers. I love giving gifts. But… I often don’t know what to get them. Do they love coffee? Hate coffee? (Who hates coffee?! And should they be teaching my child?!) Would they use a homemade gift? And when’s their birthday anyway?
Insert the My Teacher’s Favorite Things questionnaire.
Wah-lah! It makes giving gifts to teachers much simpler.
We’ve given a similar questionnaire to a couple of our teachers, and now I’ve created my own pretty printable to share. It’s a huge help to have a list of our teacher’s favorite things on hand, and it doesn’t get any easier than sending a questionnaire to school! Easy peasy!
You can click the image to download the printable, or use the link below the image.
Thank. you. very. much.
Free Printable for Back to School – My Teacher’s Favorite Things Questionnaire
Free Printable – My Teacher’s Favorite Things Questionnaire (PDF)
The Ultimate Back to School Supply List
How to Raise Kids Who Are Readers
Thanks for the printable! My kids start at a new school and Voila, I have a great way to start out on the right foot!
Thanks for your kind words, Sarah!